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05/05/2022-05:28:00 |
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On another call ondansetron infarmed bula Woody Allen is without peer. There is no other filmmaker who owns his movies, good, great or bad (and he`s made them all) quite like he does. He`s a master of his own style, though he never watches his films again once he`s made them. He`s a cypher for his own sensibilities, though he claims that he never writes about himself. As film goers, we should all feel somewhat lucky to be living in a time when, once a year we get a new movie from a man who is, quite simply, an American icon. From high comedy to deep drama, from the ridiculous to the sublime, Woody Allen is cinematic comfort food. He`ll be remembered for as long as his works exist and people are alive to watch them. It`ll take an asteroid to erase his mark on the world.